Welcome to the Hotel Great Britain
Welcome to the new cold war. The Berlin wall, in fact the whole iron curtain was designed to keep the poor old commies in more than the decadent west out.
Given that the UK is bankrupt and nobody likes it, Its bankers, the last remaining profitable sector of the economy - before it wasn't anymore are hated for bursting their own bubble, Cameron's a git. Better or worse than Gordon Brown is such a depressing question nobody trully wants to answer it. Whats the other choice? Leave? Well you can't.
Gatwick - Closed, British airways will be striking when the snow does get cleared, Eurotunnel; broken. Heathrow; Snow. Luton; Closed. Take a Ferry? Nope. Calais, yep that's French has a strike by British immigration officers and is closed. They are probably concerned about their jobs, prospects in imagration don't look good, who'd want to come here?
Is this some kind of iron curtain, designed to keep us in? I mean the Poles are leaving again, I'd get a away if the Neo British saboteurs hadn't had a go at Island Kea's mast and I can actually get on a BA flight. The only people who actually seem to like the place are the BNP. Scotland is desperately trying for a referendum on Independence.
Its a conspiracy! There is no recession in the rest of the world, life is fabulous but Gordon Brown doesn't want you to get out and see that this country is right royally screwed.
Conspiracy I tell you, Pig Plague (aka Swine Flu) doesn't exist it was invented by the government to put you off foreign holidays.
Errr Maybe its just co-incidence.... But even if the Iron Curtain dropping around Britain is just normal British incompetence, this just another nail in the this countries coffin.
Yes I will be leaving, hopefully, maybe on the 10th of Jan now....
Last Chance to Sea
I'm off again on the 28th of december to islands new and seas of blue!
The last chance to see me and drink to my departure will be at the usual place at 9:00pm on Wednsday the 23rd of December, most of you can guess where that will be if not then drop me a line and I'll invite you!
I'll be joining the Blue Water Rally, and sailing off from Antigua on Island Kea II, yes I am looking forward to it.