Locked and Loaded

Ok I feel like I lit the blue touch paper and now have to see if it blows up in my face.

I have a database full of Sailboat Races, and some and some pictures. I glued it together with spit and PHP and have released it upon the world. Its Cron Jobs are locked and loaded and have nagged the Sailing Manager, the various permissions, keys, tokens and voodoo have be ticket.

See if it goes off.

Watch these spaces:

the DSC Facebook Feed

and DSC Twitter Feed 

and remember to duck and cover!

Sometime around 10ish Monday 26th NT time it should go off. *gulp*


Position: 12° 27.6' S, 130° 48.1' E | Posted: Sat 24th March 2018

Locked and Loaded

Position: 0° 0' S, 0° 0' W | Posted: Sat 24th March 2018

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