I've been working on loads of stuff. Mostly routed wireless networks. I member when i was abnormal person with "a" computer. At some point in my life it seems my life has changed so that now I need a desk like the one on the right. Full details of what all that crap is can be found by clicking the picture.

Much of the work has involved floundering around wildly in the dark, using WDS links to make wireless access points repeat them selves. No it doesn't work. Well to be fair it sometimes works.

On of the main problems turned out to be a "Bridge Loop". As you usually when I get stuck I email Dave (CCIE#3590), he's smart. Falls over on the way to the pub sometimes but has a really top class brain. He tells me that what I thought was happening was a bridge loop. Access point 1 sends out data, it can see 2 other access points. There all WDS bridges, so thy receive the data and send it about again to the 2 access points that they can see. We physicists call this a chain reaction similar to what happens in a nuke.

I reckon I owe him beer, he disagrees. All these emails ended up with me doing something particularly stupid. He put me right so I sent him an mail explaining that he has to patronize me a bit 'cos his email Signature says "CCIE" where as mine says "Hippie".

Well I thought it was funny - its certainly accurate.


Position: 0° 0' S, 0° 0' W | Posted: Fri 17th February 2006 |

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