Work Work Work
I thought there was a light at the end of the tunnel, but it was just Steve with a torch trying fixing the lights.
Posted: January 2010
A first look at Antigua, well first with a digital camera and stuff last time I was here the technology wasn't quite there and I drank a lot of Rum.
Posted: January 2010
Malaysian Wedding
Penang Mayasia, If you've nevver been to a Chinese Wedding you've missed out!
Posted: December 2009
14 Forever
Despite the fact is basically a wreck, was built in the 80's (Margret Thatcher). It still floats, this boat is indead a forteen and appears to be still going. Its had several rigs the rudder gantry has broken its been 'olled below the waterline by Roger's Hobie 16. Dismasted twice, its jib was 30 quid from ebay the spinnaker off a bloke from Chichester. Its still going. Its possible 14's are indead forever. Its old knackered but still more fun downwind than anything else I've owned*
*not that I admit to owning this boat.
Posted: May 2009
Based heavilly on
a> and made using this
No dingy sailors and only one student were harmed in the making of this gallery.
Posted: January 2009
Yellow Brick Road
A gallery trying to give you an idea of driving in Austraila. Read the captions.
Posted: August 2008
Walk in the Woods
Rain forest. Dorrio National Park. You really cannot see the woods for the trees here.
Posted: August 2008