I, Tom, because I could ©

Quote: I'd rather be on the boat with a drink on the rocks, than in the drink with the boat on the rocks. - Yottie T-Shirt

Oceanhippie.net - Tom's Blog

Here you will find stuff on Tom's travels, with empasis on video, pictures and PC Desktop wallpapers.

I'm a sailor and WiFi specialist, so you'll find technical stuff here too.

Boat Spotters of the Caribbean

Thumb for Boat Spotters of the Caribbean Thumb for Boat Spotters of the Caribbean Thumb for Boat Spotters of the Caribbean Thumb for Boat Spotters of the Caribbean Thumb for Boat Spotters of the Caribbean Thumb for Boat Spotters of the Caribbean Thumb for Boat Spotters of the Caribbean Thumb for Boat Spotters of the Caribbean

How do you know if a rallyist, or many rallyists are bearing down on you? Here's a handy guide to the boats in the Rally. Hopefully I'll update it when I get  better shots. Its not complete - yet! Maybe you'll be able to tell what I'm talking about. People look like their pets, maybe they look like there yachts too....

Any resemblance to actual boats, floating or sunk is if not entirely co- incidental, far from certain. Boats look similar in thumbnails, and I can't spell well.

Posted: May 2010


Thumb for Moorea Thumb for Moorea Thumb for Moorea Thumb for Moorea Thumb for Moorea Thumb for Moorea Thumb for Moorea Thumb for Moorea

Moorea, Tahiti's twin island, much less spoilt, smaller population. Fabulous anchorages. Beautiful fringing reef.

Posted: May 2010


Thumb for Waterfall Thumb for Waterfall Thumb for Waterfall Thumb for Waterfall Thumb for Waterfall Thumb for Waterfall Thumb for Waterfall Thumb for Waterfall

Posted: May 2010

A Fish Called Wanda

Thumb for A Fish Called Wanda Thumb for A Fish Called Wanda Thumb for A Fish Called Wanda Thumb for A Fish Called Wanda Thumb for A Fish Called Wanda Thumb for A Fish Called Wanda Thumb for A Fish Called Wanda Thumb for A Fish Called Wanda

My camera leaked so you could see these pictures.

Posted: May 2010

Niki Naki

Thumb for Niki Naki Thumb for Niki Naki Thumb for Niki Naki Thumb for Niki Naki Thumb for Niki Naki Thumb for Niki Naki Thumb for Niki Naki Thumb for Niki Naki

Niki Naki refers to a badly pronounced gaff by a former skipper

Posted: April 2010


Thumb for Hakaui Thumb for Hakaui Thumb for Hakaui Thumb for Hakaui Thumb for Hakaui Thumb for Hakaui Thumb for Hakaui Thumb for Hakaui

Aka "Daniel's Bay". Beach BBQ, water fall walk and around fabulousness

Posted: April 2010


Thumb for Floreana Thumb for Floreana Thumb for Floreana Thumb for Floreana Thumb for Floreana Thumb for Floreana Thumb for Floreana Thumb for Floreana

Day trip to Floreana. Snorkelling with sealions, splashing with sharks, frolicking with frigate birds, tottering with tortoises and pestering penguins

Posted: March 2010

Evolution - survival of the fatest

Thumb for Evolution - survival of the fatest Thumb for Evolution - survival of the fatest Thumb for Evolution - survival of the fatest Thumb for Evolution - survival of the fatest Thumb for Evolution - survival of the fatest Thumb for Evolution - survival of the fatest Thumb for Evolution - survival of the fatest Thumb for Evolution - survival of the fatest

Evolution? Survival of the fittest, bollocks survival of the fattest more like. I have never in my life seen so many lazy animals on one island. Sealions asleep in the hotels, giant tortoises too tired to lift their head off the ground let alone put it away. Boobies, pelicans and herons in the fish market, in it. Now that's evolving to suit your environment. And Lonesome George most famousist of all tortoise's butt sticking out from a bush.

Posted: March 2010

Ad Hoc Recommissioning

Thumb for Ad Hoc Recommissioning Thumb for Ad Hoc Recommissioning Thumb for Ad Hoc Recommissioning Thumb for Ad Hoc Recommissioning Thumb for Ad Hoc Recommissioning Thumb for Ad Hoc Recommissioning

Island Kea went sailing today, we were all to buisy with sheets furlers halyards and even the odd tricing line to actually take any photos.

Accidentally we had a recommissioning party, first in the bar. Then on the boat. Long day kanackerd.

Posted: February 2010

