Bald Pussy Photos? WTF?
My mate who hosts this site runs a really nice stats sytem. Allows me to see what sites link here.
Frankly some of it is disturbing.
- Golf Forums? I hate golf.
- Motorbike forums ok so it was to this.
- Several MUD (I refuse to call them MMORGS) sites. WTF I gave up on muds in about 94.
I mean "
"Tribal Wars Tribal Wars is a browser-based game set in the Middle Ages. Every player controls a small village, striving for power and glory."
Who the hell links to a drunken sailors webiste from there? These people are more alergic to sun than most vampires.
Its gets worse. "Bald Pussy Photos" WTF...... That one I daren't examine as I'm in a Pub.
New Zealand metal?
And this err that photo was pixelated as a joke by be as an ilustration for an artical on wifi hacking (I had drunk many of the beers on that table) as had Jacky (pixeleated person) we were "extending the scope" of the wifi of the Balboa YC in Panama.....
http://www.earthymommies.com - I neither know or want to know what that is....
I'm intregued by the the whole tribal wars thing now, several differnet servers, "game.php". Am I a monster in a RPG? I know not, to the apache log files and enlightenment Lets see what Mr and Mrs chainmail bra are looking at.....