Care to Comment?
I think this random website now has a commenting engine. It took a long time to write and its probably got some bugs. But it does appear to work. Don't tell Kieran but its being run on a fairly trusting basis.
I have the capacity to impose moderation on comments before they appear, and to require registrations email confimations etc. I've not turned that on. I'm assuming I won't need it.
Dear Great unwashed
So if I incense any of you, hairy, ugly smelly and frankly worse than Jeffery Archer* cretins out there you can make coments.
How do I do it?
The options for commenting appear below. Posts like this one comments and links apear below the posts, or at the bottom of the page on content and photo gallery pages.
You can either comment annoyimously by answering a fatuious question and proving to the sites satisfaction that your not an evil russian spam bot or register login and stand up for your beliefs.
I'm afraid that you can't comment on photos at present, I'm a victim of my own cleverness. Going to have to work out how to add it to lightbox.
Statement of intent:
I'll do my best not to delete comments unless absolutly necessary. But I jsut might, it try and refute them with another comment rather than delete them. Obviously abusive, raceist or similar posts or spam will be imedialty deleted and I'll take steps to ensure your never able to post again. Please don't make me do that. So don't swear (I know I do, its a case of do as I F**king say, not as I do). And don't mis behave, posting stupid things like how good Vigin Bloody-Usless media as will be ridiculed.....
Oh and if you do find any bugs, email me using the link left. If the google adds anoy you just at the line: " pagead2.googlesyndication.com" to your hosts file, C:\WINDOWS \SYTEM32\drivers\etc\hosts on windows or /etc/hosts linux/BSD/unix. And google adds will never bother you again.
*I may have gone too far that time.