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March of the Morons

NTL, aka virgin muppetfest army of morons is marching into battle with the all the intelegence of a public schooled young officer leading his lambs to be slaughtered at the Somme. Going out and ringing the door bell of an NTL customer vctim is as brave as going over the top on the western front.


A well dressed bloke with laminated badge and clip board rang my door bell and asked me if we wanted to install NTL.

He looked slightly taken a back when I burst into hysterical laughter on the door stop. between fits of laughter I manged to sarcastically remark we already had it, and that it didn't work.

As an update: our phone doesn't work still. We may or may not have 2 accounts for our flat and he though there were 6 flats in the small terraced house in which my flat is located.

Yep its official NTL can't count.

Its so much more fun to describe them as usless incompetant crettins to a human being rather than a disembodied voice in india. Not that I can even do that right now the phone doesn't work at all since they "fixed it".
