Type Icon Display Inshore forecast from BOM for digital signage or website

the Following code will go grab the xml for the Darwin Harbour inshore forecast from BOM and save it to disk as a htm and txt file. The idea is run it once as a cron job - then just call the txt or htm file to display it for hte rest of the day

Position: 12° 27.6' S, 130° 48.1' E | Posted: Wed 10th April 2019

Type Icon OBS Scoreboards

Based on Scroreboard Plus by ha0511kr with help from XxRockeshotxX & Sickmind33. I have re writern this software twice. Once for Rugby once for Sailing. Principally team racing. This is a page to link to the Source Code and the .....

Position: 12° 27.6' S, 130° 48.1' E | Posted: Fri 5th April 2019
Position: 12° 26.3' S, 130° 50.4' E | Posted: Sat 7th January 2017

Type Icon Autohotkey, Launch Vivaldi or bring to front.

Vivaldi browser sets the title of the window to the open tab website, which makes is slightly harder to write an Autohotkey script that launches it if not open, or switches too it if it is. Since I've gone to the effort of working out how to find the .....

Posted: Thu 21st January 2016

Type Icon How to Make a mobile version of a website

I've been working on a mobile version of this website, much of it was remakably simple. Step One Wheat from Chaff. Firstly we need to detect mobile browsers, now all browsers Idetify themsleves to the website, and the web is a wash with huge .....

Posted: Sat 20th June 2009

Type Icon bytes_readable

Simple PHP fucntion that turns a number in octets (normal 8 bit bytes) into a human readable number for convenient display.   Works well with the numbers from a radius accounting table, originally written for piertopier.net USAGE just go: .....

Posted: Sun 11th December 2005

Type Icon Shipping Forcast Parser

Parses the Shipping Forecast, and retrieves only a specific area. + optionally the header "Issued by the Met Office at ****. WARNING NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION. this is a gimmick and no substitute for a Properly sourced forecast. it may expire if .....

Posted: Sun 6th February 2005

Type Icon Wind Feed Parser

This script is designed to read the xml wind feed from the PierToPier.net wind sensor. Can be used to display the wind speed direction and strength of the last gust on any php based page. USAGE Needs no inputs, the address for the xml feeds at the top .....

Posted: Thu 20th January 2005

Type Icon Windspeed to Beaufort Converter

Description   Bf_Convert ( float windspeed, int format)   This is a PHP function to convert a wind speed in knots to a Beaufort scale. Takes a speed in knots and returns either the description (e.g. "Strong Breeze"), the Beaufort number, or .....

Posted: Wed 19th January 2005