Display Inshore forecast from BOM for digital signage or website
the Following code will go grab the xml for the Darwin Harbour inshore forecast from BOM and save it to disk as a htm and txt file.
The idea is run it once as a cron job - then just call the txt or htm file to display it for hte rest of the day
getElementsByTagName('forecast') as $e ) {
$e = $e->parentNode; // this should be the element
foreach( $e->getElementsByTagName('forecast-period') as $l ) {
if($l->getAttribute('index')=='0') {
$date = date( "l jS F ", strtotime($l->getAttribute('start-time-local')));
$curTxt= "Forcast for Darwin Harbour for $date \n \n";
$curHtm= "
//Dispaly as text
echo $curTxt;
file_put_contents('../../imagecache/forecast.txt', $curTxt); //save file for rest of the day.
echo "############################################################################## \n";
//display as html
echo $curHtm;
file_put_contents('../../imagecache/forecast.htm', $curHtm); //save file for the resrt of hte day.