We found a movie on board. Called "Stealth". Now I've seen some complete tosh in my time, and, when your being rained on "like Manchester" to quote Al, have been at sea for a week and have 2 more at least, probably three to go anything that will pass the time is good.
This movie was still appalling. How this even went straight to video I cannot imagine. Imagine star wars, only worse, where Mark Hammil's acting might actually have improved it. Though having ones feet burnt off by the Spanish Inquisition while watching it might actually improve it.
There are three pilots, and Eddie the UAV. Rather like Eddie the shipboard computer from the HHG2G. Only worse. The computer is however the best actor in it. One of the pilots is a girl one white male and one black male. Guess which one gets killed.
To quote South Park "we need one Black person to come along in case someone has to sacrifice them selves to save the mission"
Do not on any account watch this movie. Unless you are:
- Attempting to provide grounds for Divorce.
- The Spanish Inquisition, inflicting torture.
- Compiling a list of the Greatest Turkeys of all time.
Err and we're still going nowhere fast. Though to be fair we've been clipping along most of the last few days. I've now put my old "Hiva Oa Wallpaper" on my desktop, just to remind me of the nice weather I should be having and nice destination I may eventually reach.
God I'm gonna enjoy the next epesode of Buffy, comapred to Stealth its that good....
4° 52' S, 99° 42' W