Hello litte girl do you want a lollypop?
Last week* I was horrible about windows 10, I've been running it all week as my work machine, it works and I can be productive but its not grown on me, so this week I'm going to be horrible about Android Lollypop. Well a bit horrible, erm, mildly critical.
I have 3 devices, a NEXUS 4, Work's NEXUS 5 and a first gen NEXUS 7.
I bought the Nexus 4 at Christmas to be my phone, its therefore vanilla and actually works very well. I put a lot of effort into its setup. Most importantly it was factory reset when it it upgraded to Lollypop. Battery life is AWESOME.
The Work Nexus 5, well its had a hard life mine was running with a broken screen, my bosses with the infamous microphone bug where by it only worked on speakerphone. So it was sent for repair, in the end it was brought back from repair, fixed 3 times by me. Its actually my work phone's mainboard in my boss's everything else. Poor thing was upgraded 3 times with different hardware. It works well but battery life was originally lousy to awful. Noticeably worse than KitKat. But it seems to have fixed its self now.
The NEXUS 7, oh dear that's not gone well. I've had to wait a long time till the update finally arrived as I've got the 3g version. It sort of worked, then it chugged badly. Really badly. And it was using more power than my charger would put out. Also battery would plummet on disconnection. I know that I've got limited evidence. We'll see how it performs after a compete format and flash. (ooh that's not gone well I think I just bricked it!) To be fair the Nexus 7 was rooted, and full of random stuff. It didn't work, nothing works. The battery just plummets.
It appears that lollipop is like Microsoft Windows - you can upgrade it to the new version, but for god's sake don't. I've heard the battery had been fixed in the nexus 5, but mine has less than half the battery life of the older Nexus 4. I'm currently blatting the Nexus 7 with extreme prejudice we'll see if i'm right if it charges and runs well after a factory restore using ADB it will be like he Nexus 4. Lets find out.
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