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Exited about a computer game and proud to be British?

Neither of these things happen as often as they used too, for 2 reasons.

One I've seen a lot of the world and found bits I like more than the UK.

Two they stopped making the sorts of Computer Games I used to play a decade ago.

I mean last time I was truly interested in a upcoming game was Half Life 2, last one I played a lot - I.E. more than once through. Was free space 2, which was the daddy of all space combat games. And last of a long line a line that starts with  Elite. Some Poms have managed to get some money off Kick starter and are making an updated version of Elite... oooh....

The Elephant in the Room

Errm as well as David what's his name of Elite Fame that Roberts Bloke who is responsible for the Wing Commander Series or errr Space Combat games managed to blag a LOT more funding off Kick starter.  Now I believe Star Citizen managed $20 Million USD and Elite Managed 2 Million Quid. 

Elite Dangerous 3rd party Intro Video 

Elite Dangerous released an early Alpha - and it looks bloody fantastic.

Star Citizen in making some bold promises and has released some stunning videos as well. 

You can see some of the Elite's Playable Alpha right. Despite being a self confessed fan of the original I can instantly say "I love the Cockpit and the heads up display" and you kept the 3d scanner too. There's no equivalent third-party videos of star Citizen yet  - however the cockpit in this video, well look for you selves, either that's an iPad on a stick or its the Targeting Computer that Luke Gave up on in star wars in 1976.

There are plenty of videos of both Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous on you tube. However the star Citizen ones are mostly cut scenes - a very familiar feature of Wing Commander - in fact they once hired errr Luke Skywalker Hammil to do the cut scenes.

Damn I'm going to have to get a PC together than can pay elite again. And I don't mean a BBC model B.

My analysis Round 1 to the Pommy under dogs.  I Wanna Play Elite Dangerous.


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