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Wunch of Bankers

Groan..... So far the worst scam I've seen is card readers. Mine just arived. Mugger's Charter.

So if your bank uses card readers (they mostly do now) do not lie to a mugger about your PIN number. You see your bank has decided to give every mugger the ablility to check your pin number from the comfort of a darkend ally.

Fucking nice one, if you give him your pin he can type it into any banks card reader to see if your lieing, if you are the card reader will tell him so he can beat you up. Before he had to go to some nice CCTV covered cash point to check so you were pretty safe.  Great, love my bank for that one. And no there's nothing you can do about it the sytem is feature set up on the card so the mugger's charter is universal.

The problem is partly the poor design of the readers, the rest is the cross compatiblity between banks.my bank says:

Q. I am led to believe that a chip-reader supplied by any bank or building society will work equally well. Could you confirm that this is the case?
Yes, it is possible to use other banks’ card readers

All I can say is for god's sake don't, do not use strange card readers, these things read your card and ask you for your pin. Do NOT borrow card readers, or use ones who's history you are not intimatly familure with. A minor tamper and your card details and PIN number are read and a cloned card will be shopping in down town Lagos in no time. I could problaby do this.

I really can't beleive there allowed to do this is GOD DAMN DUMB!

This sytem is a criminals dream, and thats just the obvious bits, given the cheap piece of plastic crap I've been sent I'm sure a secruity expert could do much worse with them.

Please complain to your bank, they've compromised your saftey (not to mention convience) in a misguised atemtp to save money.
