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I can't believe M$ sometimes.

M$ is not the best computer company, but for most people its the only computer company. Most of their products are at baest associated with irritation. I use windows, cos lots of software I've learned over the years runs on it. The real key is its thrird party software. There OS I can live with (not vista obviously), their software I hate. On a professional basis. I destest the pile of fceases that is IE, office is now usche a bloated mess that nobody, even I suspect the people who wrote it. Don't even start on Works, this is an afront to all humainty. The one person or so who actully gets this far through my rants will remember that last year I stunned everyone (one being the operative word I suspect) by prounouncing my love and afection for a bit of M$ software.

Windows Movie Maker appeared somehow on my start menu  I needed to edit some video and well it was slick simple and produced some exelent results. I loved it, Its perfect for making, not professional, but highly respectable looking videos. Its filters are good and work, unlike previous experinaces with expencive bits of software. The credits/titles work and are easy. Again atempts to do this before have crashed and burned badly.

Needed to mash up the video's I shot over the weekend of paddle round the pier. So fired it up. It wasn't there. Noooooooo. So I went to widoze.com. It wasn't there either. Nooooooo. Turns out they messed it about a bit on vista, and then made it a cut down version. Now on Windows 7 its gone completely.

The one thing M$ actually did right and they kill it off. It turns out I'm not the only one who's noticed. I thought about down loading the Windows Live Video Beta. But looked at the crap it came with and aparently its not the same thing at all. Fortuneately Moivie Maker does actually work fine on windows 7. Yay! All you need to do is copy it across from and old XP machine and register a few .dll files. Instuctions are from here http://www.brighthub.com/multimedia/video/articles/22658.aspx - nice one. The differences between trying to use it on a pre DDR PIII and my nice new core duo macine make it wonderful.

The results of my windows hack are in the Dinghy Section there's a longer video of the Paddle Round the Pier and a shorter Brighton Sailing Club Centric version which is a bit more funkey.