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Politial Correctness Gone Mad.

"WINAMP, it Really Wips the Lama's Baaaa"

No it bloody doesn't, winamp as every one knows whips the lama's ass. Not the lama's lame-o-sound-effect. It politial correctness gone mad.

Oh and all windows users who read my scathing review of windows 7, I have some caveats.

SInce I wrote the previous  artical on windows 7, I've been forced to spend some quality time with Windows Vista. God Damn. Makes windows 7 look good.

WIndows 7 RC1 is now out and they've got rid of some of the more garish colour schems. Gone also is most of the drowning motif. They've copied twitter this time.

Some things still stand, new laptop (formerly running viata) is a high powered hi spec X series ThinkPad. Possibly the best brand of laptop ever. So things work better than they did on the crap desktop.

Most of what I said goes, for gods sake DON'T use either vista or 7 on anything cheap or old. If your stuck with vista, MS alow a years worth of windows 7 RC1 for free, GET IT NOW IF YOU ARE A VISTA USER. No seriously do it NOW.

Tom, off to whip Vista's ass.