Plummeting pound the un-expected irritation.
Bloody foreigers comming over here, using our internet an buying our junk on ebay.
I've been selling stuff on Ebay that i probably couldn't even shift on freecycle.
First some one ask how much to send my dead Zaurus PDA's case to Holland. He didn't buy it a Frenchman did. Well I think it was a man. On the internet its so hard tell.
Now the broken Laptop I was selling has been bought for what I concider to be an exorbiatnat sum of £41 buy a spaniard. Or At least he (or she) lives in Coruna. Even if I do use the cheap courier he susgests it will be awkward and cost him £20.
Who buys a broken laptop, not in good cosmetic condition for £60. Nobody, however for €60 it doesn't sound so bad. Bloody irritiating for me though.
BTW you can now post comments on my website, subject either to registration or to passing intelegence and non russian spam bot testing, See Below.
REMEMBER TOMMOROW a re-run of A Hitch Hikers Guide to the Ocean. Thats 8pm Saturday the 31st.
Or how to sail around the world on someone eles's boat.
Topics will include:
Where and when to find a boat.
What it costs
Weather patterns
Life on board a yacht.
People you’ll meet.
Things you’ll see.
I Tom (Oceanhippie, Order of the Ditch, order of the Golden Dragon) be giving a presentation on the 18th November at 7:00 pm about my travels with a definatle slant on how to do it yourself. What to bring what to expect, how to got about it costs etc. It will be FAB I promice.
There will be tails of Islands, oceans, rastas, kitten smuggling, volcanoes, testicles swinging in the breeze, insanity of a ships captain, boobies*, nakedness, baking, waterfalls.
Warning - may contain gratuatious photos, videos etc. some educational value and if your very lucky nudity*.
Now the location is not likely to be a suprise to anyone who knows me well, you can probalby guess it. If your a member of Joe Public, then you'll need to contact me oceanhippie at yahoo.com its not that your not welcome, its just I need to know numbers of outsiders.
* - Not those kind of boobies!