
Bloggin may be curtailed.

Posted: Sun 30th March 2008 in Blog
Position: 9° 48.3' S, 139° 19.8' W

Blogging May be curtailed.

 Some time last night somehow my laptop got broken. Dunno how its usable but the screen is shot. This may curtail my web development.


Hiva Oa is gorgeous, the scenery is stunning. The locals are great. Unfortunately the beer in the Bar is £6 a small one. Bottle of spirits is £50. Even supermarket beers are £2. However the price of food, though unpleasant is not too bad.

Leaving Atuona today. This evening probably. Hopping the closed internet with less people on will be quicker.!

Oh and I've fixed that newsletter upload.... nearly (85% completed....)

View from Jackal, eat your heart out boys.


Bloggin may be curtailed.

Posted: Sun 30th March 2008 in Blog
Position: 9° 48.3' S, 139° 19.8' W